What the heck IS fascia, anyway?
How can a fascial restriction cause pain?
Dr. Courtney Conley on training foot intrinsic muscles for better stability
Dr. Emily Splichal on foot to core sequencing and foot activation
Jill Miller on rolling the feet to help the shoulder
Why & how to foam roll
What muscles are you actually using when you walk?
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Patients will be required to fill out the new Covid-19 consent Form prior to treatment, it must be signed with your RMT as a witness in the clinic.
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Interactive Flex Massage Therapy
6996 West Saanich Road
Brentwood Bay BC V8M 1G5
250 886 9980
Download and Complete Intake Form
Tuesday 1 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 4 pm
Thursday 9 am - 4 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 1 pm
With thanks!
Photography Christina Craft, Funky Town Photography
Website Customization Janie Snyders, Blue Water Web Designs